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Tomates 8 0 – Effective Work And Rest Management Group

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So, you want to get your team communicating better? You want to help them bond and bounce ideas off each other?

Yet at the same time you're looking to save time and have a more efficient workplace? Sounds like the ever elusive business dream, doesn't it?

The good news is, it can be done!

Communication – joining separate parts

EVALUATION OF CURRENT INDUSTRY PRACTICES FOR MAINTAINING TOMATO DUMP TANK WATER QUALITY DURING PACKINGHOUSE OPERATIONS BIN ZHOU1,2, YAGUANG LUO1,4, ELLEN R. TURNER1,2, QIN WANG2 and KEITH R. SCHNEIDER3 1Environmental Microbiology and Food Safety Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. This job isn't easy. Restaurant managers can work up to 15 hours each day. This can take a toll on your management, because let's face it - you are not Super(wo)man. When the hours add up, you can get tired and lose focus during the dinner rush. Take time to manage your time. When you get burned out, your performance as a manager will suffer. The ideal work-to-break ratio was 52 minutes of work, followed by 17 minutes of rest. People who maintained this schedule had a unique level of focus in their work.

Teams within a business collaborate together on projects and tasks, with the aim of using different strengths within individual components.

This is all well and good, but a team that doesn't communicate well is like an engine that has been broken down into its separate parts. All are in great working order, well-oiled and cared for, but without the rest of the engine components, the individual parts just won't work how they were supposed to.

Your team is no different. Each member will be working on their individual projects, which when combined create the completed picture. By implementing an ongoing communication strategy throughout, the whole project will gel together seamlessly at the end.

A well-oiled engine

When communication is increased and developed, it is like pouring more oil onto that proverbial engine – it just glides along, with all the different bits slipping naturally into place.

Understanding of the overall project is developed, productivity increases, projects are completed on time, continuity improves and results start to soar through the roof.

So your business turnover will likely see an increase, but there are other benefits as well. Team members build trust in each other, strong bonds and a sense of loyalty to each other. All of this provides a safe, secure and pleasant working environment for your team, helping to increase efficient working practices.

A report by AON demonstrates that when communication improves, so does employee engagement. When employees are engaged, they speak more positively about the organization, they stay longer, thus increasing retention rates, and are more motivated within their job role.

Methods of communication

Communication is more than just talking face-to-face, although this form of communication should never be neglected. However, individual people and projects may dictate different types of communication. Technology plays a big part of our communication toolbox and, when used effectively, can save time and help team members work more efficiently.

Normally a combination of methods works well on most projects, but the key here is how to increase the overall communication across the whole team. By implementing a few simple strategies, you should start to see an increase in team interaction.

To give you a head start, we've come up with some tips, but don't stop here; be creative and think out of the box!

1. Open door policy

Tomates 8 0 – Effective Work And Rest Management Group

When everyone is shut behind closed doors, it creates an atmosphere of secrecy. This applies physically as well as psychologically. As outlined in an article on Forbes, by physically opening your door, or encouraging an open plan environment, you are clearly communicating that everybody is part of the same team. You are effectively removing the barriers.

This also offers the team a message of transparency, an important concept for building trust and clarity. Your team should also know that they can come to you at any time for help and guidance, and that you encourage interaction between colleagues.

The other positive with open door policy is that it encourages communication on a regular basis, rather than as a blast of communication (as often seen in meetings). With an open door policy, the status of the project can be continually discussed, leading to issues resolved immediately.

Waiting until a weekly meeting to address problems in one go is like pressing the button too many times in quick succession on your computer – eventually it reaches overload and crashes!

2. Encourage two-way feedback

So you have been handed in the first draft of the completed project and it just isn't up to scratch. Handing it back with a note to improve it is an example of poor communication at work.

At this stage your team member will be scratching their head, thinking 'How?' they have already submitted the work they thought was required – what exactly do they need to do to improve it?

Knowing how to give detailed and constructive feedback comes into its own as a method of increasing team communications. Learn how to offer feedback that coaches your team members rather than creating extra boundaries.

Although verbal feedback can be a positive experience for all, encouraging a two-way conversation that enables your team to self-evaluate, it is difficult to retain all the information this way.

Make sure you back it up with a written record, whether via your task management system or individually. If you are using task management software, feedback is visible to all which can help increase the overall communication and productivity.

Furthermore, using online feedback as a form of communication to virtual teams has been shown in a study in Small Group Research to increase performance, as well as increasing motivation and satisfaction.

3. Clarity of roles and responsibilities

Unclear instructions and miscommunications are the cause of many problems at the average workplace. If a team member is unsure exactly what is required of them, they are likely to flounder and not complete the task to the correct standards.

By clarifying roles and responsibilities you are jumping the first hurdle to increasing communications. By using techniques such as Responsibility Chartering (RACI) accountability for each task is placed with the most appropriate person, which helps to clarify conception, expectation and behavior of each different role.

4. Build the team spirit

If the team gets on well, they will automatically communicate better.

Do you remember when you first joined a firm as a junior, standing awkwardly at the coffee machine, not knowing what to say to all your new colleagues? Even now, there are probably still a few people in the office who you just smile and say hello to in passing, without ever having a real conversation.

Building a team spirit not only gives everyone the opportunity to get to know each other better Air buddy 1 3 hour. , but helps to create an environment where everyone feels they have an investment in the outcome. According to team bonding specialists, Teambonding, this in turn improves communication channels.

Now we've all heard of team building weekends, where everybody runs round obstacle courses, or builds a chair from a pack of balloons, but building a team spirit can be much simpler than that. Just nurture situations where you can gather the troops in an informal social atmosphere.

Meeting together socially gives the team a chance to relax together without the boundaries of the work environment. You may find it effective to all go out to lunch occasionally, or have 'dress down Friday', or even a weekly fitness class one lunchtime a week can be enough to break the ice.

Or even better, an interdepartmental sports challenge can really bring your team together, as the competitive spirit drives them to work together.

5. Use time wisely - Monday morning coffee time

Coffee breaks seem to be randomly distributed within some companies, with different team members breaking at different times.

Why not consider going back to the 'good ol' days', when coffee time was at a set time every day. The whole office downs tools and meets up in the canteen for a cuppa and a chinwag, providing the ideal opportunity for informal meetings and discussions.

Coming together face-to-face in an informal situation provides the ideal environment for team members to relax and go over what they have been working on, and any issues they are facing.

Of course, they do need down-time too, when they can forget about work for 10 minutes, but just being together and practicing the art of conversation as a group will often be enough to encourage the team to discuss work as well.

Another option is to offer an extended break period once a week – Monday works well – where the second half of the break is purely for work based discussions. A report on Harvard Business Review details research carried out on improving communications through set coffee breaks, and results demonstrated how social time could account for more than '50% of positive changes in communication patterns'.

6. Training

When it comes to communication, you should never overlook the virtues of training. Yes, training does take time, effort and money, but according to Warkentin and Beranek, improved interactions were achieved by teams that were given relative training.

This particular research concentrated on the benefits to virtual teams that rely on communications software, where much of the traditional training has focused on use to the software rather than 'interpersonal communications dynamics'.

Communications training is often overlooked in this area, yet implementing this type of training helps improve the quality of work overall.

Various courses are available to improve communication skills, aimed at improving ability to deliver your message, inform and persuade. All the basics are covered, including verbal, written, face-to-face, building relationships, giving presentations, presenting feedback and much more.

Research published in PubMed demonstrates how communication skills courses improved inter-collegial communication, which although not obvious immediately after the course, became more pronounced 6 months after the course was completed.

7. Use appropriate forms of communication

Every project that comes through your office doors needs handling in an individual way, and the most effective communication stream should reflect that. If a particular task requires a hands-on approach, then you may need to instigate more face-to-face meetings to effectively communicate.

Alternatively, your project may involve team members in different locations, and in-house meetings will not be viable. In this case technology comes into its own; video conferencing can be an effective way for the whole team to 'meet up'.

Emails have long since been one of the communication approaches of choice, but the problem with email is that your inbox can soon become full. This then creates a backlog of work, reading and sorting into appropriate files. Not only is this an inefficient use of time, but if the task is too daunting, it is easy to put it off.

It is also not the most effective method of saving information, as necessitates searching through individual emails, even if they have previously been categorized into specific file locations.

Work collaboration applications, on the other hand, makes communication online a breeze. Every task has its own home, which can be accessed by everyone on the team. Messages regarding individual tasks can be sent and received, and all the relevant information kept in the same place, where it matters.

Communication becomes streamlined as the whole team knows exactly the situation on any task, at any given point.

8. Online tools instead of meetings

Did you know that the average team member spends over a quarter of their day in their inbox? According to a report from Mckinsey & Company. On top of that nearly 20% of the day is spent chasing information or seeking someone to help with specific tasks. That is a lot of lost productivity time, which is why more companies are turning to cloud-based work collaboration software.

This type of software allows you to centralize whole projects in one place, allowing every member of the team to access the information quickly and easily. It eliminates the need for backwards and forwards emails, plus decreases the amount of meetings.

As a manager you can quickly see the status of the project through progress reports, keep on top of any issues that arise, and monitor team interaction and communication.

Your team can click on the status report, upload pertinent information, communicate directly with colleagues and so much more. The end result is better communication, saved time and increased productivity – a win-win all round!

In sum

Whether you are working with a remote team, or in an office environment, good communication is an important factor to the success of any project. Therefore increasing effective communication should be high on the agenda of any business manager.

All forms of communication should be encouraged but some methods will be more effective for certain projects. However, you can easily increase communication across the workplace by implementing some simple strategies, including:

  • open door policy
  • learning to give effective feedback
  • clarifying roles and responsibilities
  • offering effective training
  • building the team spirit with social and sporting events
  • set tea/coffee times
  • and making good use of cloud-based work collaboration software.

As Plato said:

'Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something'.

Increasing communication is great for business, but as with all things in life, always make it count.


​​Contact centers have realized the importance of leveraging Artificial Intelligence in their WFM solutions. One solution has emerged as a leader: NICE WFM. Macbook pro touch bar shortcuts. The suite is a leader in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Workforce Engagement Management and has been implemented in thousands of contact centers around the world. Its suite of tools powered by embedded AI and ML make smarter decision-making easy and intuitive. NICE WFM's capacity to quickly transform how planning, hiring, forecasting, scheduling and intraday management are executed has made it the platform of choice among contact center leaders.

​​Welcome to the cloud revolution. With hundreds of NICE customers already running in the cloud and many more going live in the cloud, now is the time to consider the benefits your organization can realize with cloud workforce management solutions from NICE.

​​Do you know who uses NICE Workforce Management (WFM) solutions? More than two thousand customers and 2.7 million users trust NICE WFM to deliver the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). From single sites to global omnichannel enterprises, call centers of all sizes are leveraging NICE WFM to gain visibility across the front and back offices, optimize scheduling and automate time-consuming process tasks.

​​NICE has added a new capacity planning solution called Enhanced Strategic Planner that will leverage the artificial intelligence from the core workforce management. It offers powerful modeling tools in an easy-to-use cloud-based solution.

​​The only workforce management solution on the market with embedded AI and ML, NICE WFM is the most advanced and most accurate workforce management tool to date. It uses intuitive decision-making to uncover hidden patterns, make accurate forecasts and identify the best forecasting model. NICE WFM combines the latest technologies with the most agent-friendly solution. It's the Intelligent WFM suite that engages contact center employees and empowers teams like never before.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​8 New Capabilities of NICE Workforce Management Solutions

  1. Forecast accurately – Manage your workforce more effectively and eliminate over-staffing with AI and ML-powered predictive analytics. Leverage the market's most advanced AI and ML tools to find unseen patterns in the historical data used to generate forecasts of volume and work time. NICE WFM's intelligence learns the efficiencies and gaps in forecasting unique to each interval and work stream in your contact center, and it flexibly adjusts to overcome them. Natively use our unique, industry-leading forecasting algorithm that utilizes interval-specific weighted moving average methodologies or leverage new advanced forecasting methods with Box-Jenkins ARIMA, exponential smoothing and multilinear regression. Allow your workforce management solutions to review the algorithms and select the best choice for your specific needs.
  2. Simulate real-world prioritization​​, routing and skill assignments to determine work allocation expectations, deferrable work propagation and multi-site/multi-skill efficiencies. Use robust new algorithms that support the forecast parameters of NICE WFM and simulation of exact routing rules to generate extremely accurate staffing requirements. AI capabilities learn the skillsets of individual employees and generate forecasts that precisely reflect the multi-skill capabilities of your contact center. Utilizing machine learning, NICE WFM optimizes scheduling and determines the best model to use on a day-by-day basis.
  3. Schedule flexibly - Manage backlogs and eliminate overstaffing for virtually any scheduling methodology or work-rule environment by applying different approaches for different departments, locations and individuals. AI and ML capabilities ensure that coverage is provided and automatically assign schedules based on agent capacities or allow them to bid on preferred times. This makes your agents partners in solving staffing scenarios while ensuring that business needs are met – the key to NICE workforce management solutions' success.
  4. Manage change - Monitor and proactively respond to changing conditions in real-time with intuitive intraday change management tools.
  5. Minimize training time with an easy-to-use modern interface - The NICE Workforce Management Suite features a modern, unified look that simplifies processes and navigation between applications, facilitates integration with other NICE Workforce Optimization solutions and sets the foundation for add​itional user experience enhancements.
  6. Integrate with any solution - Our systems are API-friendly, easily integrate with all leading ACDs and can integrate with other solutions using SmartSync, reducing manual processes, data entry, risk and cost.
  7. Manage your system with ease - Real-time diagnostics and high availability ensure maximum uptime. Alarms and alerts using Simple Network Management Protocol allow you to minimize downtime by catching system issues before they become critical. Market-standard resiliency, built-in redundancy and disaster recovery procedures ensure that employees will be able to meet objectives even if a component fails or disaster strikes.
  8. Harness the power of the cloud - Why use up your precious scarce resources to manage complex IT infrastructures and technologies? You can choose from cloud models that fit your business needs and scale, expand or contract instantaneously. Simple. Flexible. Efficient.

​​ Chamberlain 1 2.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Watch your CSAT scores soar​

​​Delivering a better customer experience is always the bottom line, but the path to higher client satisfaction lies in the ability to engage and empower your agents. With NICE WFM's intelligence assigning schedules based on agent skill sets and managing real-time adherence priorities for the back office, you can ensure higher performance and productivity across your entire workforce. And that translates to faster issue resolution and happier customers.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Motivate teams and realize intraday optimization

​​Employee Engagement Manager (EEM) also extends and enhances existing workforce management functionality, enabling organizations to achieve customer service goals with greater ease and efficiency. EEM eliminates the intraday stress of ensuring agent resources are optimally aligned with customer demand by identifying solutions to address staffing gaps, proactively managing agent communication and by automatically adjusting schedules in NICE Workforce Management suite. Gamification points and rewards motivate employees to improve performance and provide an incentive for selecting hard-to-fill shifts.​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​EEM enables agents to manage their own schedules in real time:

  • ​Anytime, anywhere access to schedules via iOS and Android phones
  • ​Personalized communication
  • ​Schedule change options based on skills, preferences and availability
  • ​Ability to self-schedule training for the time of day when agents are most alert

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​EEM frees supervisors to focus on leadership and coaching:

  • ​Real-time visibility into communication between agents and administrators
  • ​Intraday Voluntary Time Off/Overtime empowerment

​​​​For additional information please see Employee Engagement Manager.​

Tomates 8 0 – Effective Work And Rest Management Group Discussion

Watch your CSAT scores soar

​​NICE also hosts the world's largest community of industry professionals. The NICE User Group (NUG) helps members optimize the value of NICE applications in their organizations through sharing of best practices. The group partners with NICE to provide an online environment for members to interact and share knowledge. NUG also works closely with leadership at NICE to influence product and service direction. To learn more about the NICE User Group (NUG), please visit​​


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